Construction Helpline
Construction Helpline

Construction Helpline

What happens after I book the Health Safety test in Peterborough

Everyone thinking of applying for their CSCS test in Peterborough to try and get a CSCS Card, Peterborough will undoubtedly have questions to answer in the General Responsibilities area. You really ought to understand the information listed below as the bare minimum. If you miss out on acquiring the CSCS Card because you have wrongly answered one of the questions about the stuff below, you will still fail.

Here are your responsibilities and facts you should know before taking your CSCS examination.

CSCS Card - Risk Assessments

A Risk Assessment analyzes and examines work practices to ensure the best safety Practices for doing an activity. Your SUPERVISOR is responsible for producing the risk assessment, are not. When a hazard is likely to result in an accident, it should be classified as a risk, and an assessment must be made. A HAZARD is just about anything that could cause an accident.

CSCS Card Why is the Health and Safety at Work Act very important?

The Health and Safety at Work Act is critical because it provides individuals with legal responsibilities, and additionally requires that your employer provides a safe place to work.

Any time you do a site induction, if any of the Health and Safety Policies provided to you seems to be out of date, you should discuss your concerns with your supervisor.

If a task requires a PERMIT TO WORK, then you definitely must not start work before you have got one. Also, you can not work earlier than or after the period that the permit states. A Permit allows certain jobs to be completed provided certain conditions are met.

CSCS Card - (HSE) Health and Safety Executive Improvement Notices

When a Health and Safety Executive inspector is on the site, you must go to work normally unless you have been instructed not to do so. The Health and Safety Inspectors may, in some cases, issue an IMPROVEMENT NOTICE. In cases where you are given one after they have studied you operating, it usually means that you are NOT doing this job safely, and this should be corrected.

CSCS Card -What does a prohibition notice indicate

A PROHIBITION NOTICE may be given for the whole site or a piece of equipment. If a prohibition notice is received, then you CAN NOT start work before the site or appliances have been corrected and made safe, and the notice of prohibition has been lifted. If you are already working and the whole place is provided with a notice of prohibition you have to STOP work at once.

CSCS Card - What is a Method Statement

A METHOD STATEMENT shows you what you need to do to complete a job in complete safety. If you can not carry out a operation while using the stated method statement, then you should not start the situation, but instead you should talk to your supervisor first

CSCS Card - Who is Responsible for Safety

ABSOLUTELY EVERYONE is responsible for reporting any conditions on the site which may be a safety issue. You have a legal responsibility to read through and apply the Health and Safety at Work Act. If you find something unsafe, you must report it to the site supervisor right away. The responsibility for supervising safety is on the entire site with the Site Manager.

CSCS Card - What is a Toolbox Talk

Toolbox talks are often given on construction sites. A toolbox talk is a talk about safety procedures in a selected subject. They will typically outline the best practices that should be used and the likely hazards involved with the topic being discussed.

If you are searching for the best place to pass your CSCS Test Peterborough to grab your CSCS card, contact us. We have a great solution for you. 

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